Get Your Elf Emergency List Ready!

The holiday season is the most important time of the year to stay top-of-mind with your clients.  Every November, I email out my “Elf Emergency List” with referrals to great service providers. This is a great way to cross-promote your favorite business partners while providing value to clients. 

It is by far my most opened and forwarded email of the year  You may want to print out the “Elf Emergency List” and hand out to clients with your November and December pop-bys.

This year, I am handing the “Elf Emergency List” out at my Pie Party with my Christmas card.  Why not kill three birds with one stone?  You can also put a little magnet strip on the back, so clients can keep the list and your contact info handy. My printer Mollie did the design and printing. If you need help creating one… just contact Mollie at 916.624.8234 or

Your clients and business partners will surely appreciate this list.  Zig Ziglar said it best, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Wishing you all the best as we enter into “Pop-by Season”.

It’s a good life!


And remember, I am never too busy for your Sacramento area real estate referrals.

Peggy's Elf Emergency List

And remember, I am never too busy for your Sacramento area real estate referrals.