October is my favorite month for pop-by gift ideas!!! Here are some of my favorite pop-by ideas. And remember, I am never to busy for your Sacramento area real estate referrals. www.peggyurieff.com
- Leaf Bag– “Don’t ‘leaf’ your friends and family scattered when it comes to real estate! Refer them to m
e and a smooth deal is in the bag!”
- Decorative Leaf Wreath – Peggy will never “leaf” you “hanging” when it comes to your real estate transactions!
- Bag of caramel squares, caramel apple, caramel apple dip, or caramel apple kit – For a real estate transaction that is always “sweet” and never “sticky”!
- Pumpkin Carving Kit or Pumpkin– I am always ready to “carve” out time to serve you and your referrals!
- Boo Bags – Don’t let your friends or family have a “scary” real estate experience!
- Apple Cider Packets or Mulled Cider Spice Kit– When you de-“cider” on a real estate agent, be sure to choose the best!
Halloween Candy Bag – Avoid the “tricks” and find the “treats” of real estate.
- Trick-or-Treat Bag for Kids – Refer your friends and family to Peggy for a “howling” good deal on a real estate investment.
- Box of Good & Plenty Candy – It’s “good” to have you as a client! I have “plenty” of time for your referrals!
- Smoke Detector Battery – By now you have set your clocks back, but did you remember to change the batteries in your smoke detector? You can count on me to watch out for your best interest with all your real estate needs.
(Time change is November 6th, 2011).
- Candy – You are the “sweetest” part of my business!
- Fall Candle & Lighter – Your referrals really “light” my business on fire.
- Glow Sticks– “When you are feeling in the dark about real estate, let me light the way to a glowing experience.”
- Cinnamon Scented Decorative Broom – You’re “dust” a fantastic client!
- Pirate Themed Item – I “treasure” your referrals!
- Smoke Alarm Tester – I’m not just blowing smoke. I really do appreciate your referrals!
- Cinnamon Scented Pine Cones– I “pine” for your referrals!
- Decorative Gourd – I can find you a “gourd” real estate deal!
- Flashlight – For service in a “flash,” call Peggy Urieff!
- Fall Oven Mitt– I have to ad”mitt”… you’re one awesome client!
And remember, I am never to busy for your Sacramento area real estate referrals. www.peggyurieff.com
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